Monday, March 30, 2009

Check out my video RECYCLE: A video by Rita Paz

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Using a Spredsheet in your classroom

Well I have finally figured it out.  I have never really worked with a spredsheet before.  It really is not all that complicated once you get the hang of it.  I was impressed that I was able to get it to do functions such as adding and multiplying.  i have created a spread sheet that would calculate how much money you could make by recycling.  All of the figures are just made up but, in  my project the child would have to so some resaech to find out how much items such as aluminum cans are sold for.  They could the plug in the numbers into my spreadsheet and see how much money they could generate.  I think children would find it as cool as I did.   Check out my spreadsheet.

Some questions I would ask my students when working on this project would be:

1. How can you use a spreadsheet to record data?
2. How can you organize the items collected on your spreadheet?
3. What types of graphs could you make with the data on your spreadsheet?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is a way for teachers to put class work and technology together into their daily lessons. I think that students would really enjoy being able to record their thoughts for people all over the world to hear. This would do wonders for childrens self-esteem. Knowing that their opinion is being heard out loud is great for children. They will know that what they have to say is just as important as others. Voice thread is an awesome tool. It is fun, free, and easy to use. I think is is awesome that you can write, or draw as yot talk. What an amazing way to get a ponit across.